Steven S. Long is a writer, game designer, and all 'round great guy. According to the secret files of the KGB, he once singlehandedly defeated the Kremlin's plot to attack America with laser-powered Godzillas.




On the off chance you don’t already know me and have somehow been lured into my website anyway, here are the basic facts about me as of mid-2015.

I’m a single guy in his late 40s living in Greensboro, NC. I share my house with Persimmon, an awesome cat, and a home theater of which I’m quite proud. I spend about 90% of my waking time either in the office (where I’m writing this) or the room with the Big TV Screen.

Since 1993 I’ve worked, either part-time, as a full-time freelancer, or a full-time company employee, in the roleplaying game industry. I got my start in the industry with Hero Games, but later branched out to work for other companies, such as Last Unicorn Games, Decipher, and Pinnacle Entertainment Group. In 2001 some business partners and I acquired the Hero Games assets, and from 2001-2011 I worked as HERO System Line Developer.

By my estimate, during my gaming career I’ve written, co-authored, edited, or otherwise been involved with well over 150 RPGs and RPG supplements. Some of the work of which I’m most proud includes:

The HERO System 5th Edition, 5th Edition Revised, and 6th Edition core rulebooks

A whole host of HERO System supplements including Fantasy Hero, Pulp Hero, Dark Champions, Hudson City, Post-Apocalyptic Hero, and The Ultimate Skill

The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying Game (Decipher) (Origins Award, Best Roleplaying Game, 2002)

The Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine Roleplaying Game (Last Unicorn)

The Star Trek:  The Next Generation Roleplaying Game (Last Unicorn) (Origins Award, Best Roleplaying Game, 1998)

Besides producing more RPGs and RPG supplements on my own, I’m also now working on fiction which will hopefully enthrall and entertain you. You can use the Fiction link in the left menu if you'd like to learn more.

When I’m not writing (which isn’t very often), I amuse myself with a variety of other hobbies, either by myself or with friends:  playing games; reading; collecting fountain pens, 1920s/30s maps, and tarot cards; watching TV and movies; going for walks; birdwatching; amusing the cat. I’m never at a loss for things to do; what I need is more time for all the activities that interest me!