Steven S. Long is a writer, game designer, and all 'round great guy. According to the secret files of the KGB, he once singlehandedly defeated the Kremlin's plot to attack America with laser-powered Godzillas.

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Even More Kickstarters Worth Supporting

Howdy folx! Time for another installment of "Kickstarters I'm backing that I think you should, too." ;)

Champions Live Action:  My business partner and fellow Hero alum Darren Watts has launched this project -- a book of rules that will bring the awesomeness of Champions to the world of LARPing! As I understand it, the rules involve a very, very streamlined version of the HERO System tailored to this type of play, and use a stopwatch as the randomizer. Sounds like great fun and I encourage you to pledge to help him get the book published.

The Encyclopedia Of Golden Age Superheroes:  Jess Nevins, well-known and talented researcher/writer on all things geeky and cool, particularly early-period things, is back with this latest in his series of superb reference volumes on cool subjects. His Encyclopedia Of Fantastic Victoriana is all kinds of amazing, and I have no doubt his forthcoming volume on Pulp heroes will be equally so (in fact I can't wait to get my hands on it). Now he's tackling the subject of the superheroes of the Golden Age. You definitely want to get in on this and snag a copy for your library!

 LOCUS Photo And Ephemera Archive:  An effort by LOCUS Magazine to "fund the preservation of a historic and irreplaceable collection of materials covering the science fiction, fantasy, and horror fields, including author and convention photos, correspondence, and other ephemera, accumulated by Charles N. Brown and Locus magazine over the past 60 years." How could you not want to support an effort like that? Even $1 helps to keep some of the treasures of genre literature available for generations to come.

So go ye forth, and pledge thy support!

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    annoying; only those in the know will get the reference. Plus, that smartly designed, patent-leather “Y” serves a purpose: it’s also an outer pocket,
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    Response: Hollister France

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