My Work In Roleplaying Games, And Beyond
I'm best known to the world at large as a writer and designer of roleplaying games. On this page (and the ones that follow) you can learn more about my past and current work as an RPG creator, and even download some free gaming stuff.
If you have any comments or questions about my RPG work, please post on the Message Board or use the Contact link at the top of the page to drop me a line.
The majority of my RPG writing has been for the HERO System, the award-winning universal RPG rules from Hero Games (of which I'm part owner). I think it's the best RPG ever created, hands down, and am proud to have been a part of its (as of 2011) thirty-year legacy of great gaming.
Please go here for more information about HERO System projects I'm currently working on.
For more on Hero Games or the HERO System in general, please visit the Hero Games website.
Before working for Hero Games, I had a highly enjoyable gig working on Star Trek RPGs for Last Unicorn Games and Decipher. I've written several LUGTrek gaming supplements (primarily pertaining to starships) that I give away free. You can find out more here and download copies if you'd like.
For information on other gaming-related books and projects I'm currently working on (or thinking about working on), please go here.